BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T121932Z UID:event0804202466a4e5d44ba371.48696225 DTSTART:20240408T140000Z DTEND:20240408T215959Z SUMMARY:ESPLAT WEBINAR Teaching psychology as a secondary school subject in European schools DESCRIPTION:Teachng psychology as a secondary school subjet in European schools\nLearning objectives:\n Become familiar with the roots and current developements in teaching psychology in secondary education and understand the role of the European Federation of Pschology Teachers Associations (EFPTA) in supporting psycholgy theachers. Indentfy the benefits an barriers of teaching psychology in schools. Discuss the role of psychology as a school subject in tacking current global challanges\, including\, e.g.\, well-being and mental health of adolesents\, development of critical thinking\, or climate change. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR