BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T123810Z UID:event2003202166a4ea32409747.80953789 DTSTART:20210319T230000Z DTEND:20210320T225959Z SUMMARY:Promoting Gender Equality and the Human Rights of All Women and Girls DESCRIPTION:Come celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Fordham Institute for Women and Girls while promoting gender equality and human rights for women of all ages.\nThe theme of this conference will keep with that of the 65th Commission on the Status of Women Forum at the United Nations\, which\, this year\, focused on women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life\, as well as actionable steps to eliminate violence\, achieve gender equality\, and empower all women and girls.\nProfessional\, academic\, and student speakers will address the Black Lives Matter and Me Too movements\, as well as how to advance women in political office\, participate in advocacy initiatives\, and combat violence against all women. Additionally\, we will be joined by our Australian medical colleagues\, who will discuss women’s health issues around the world. Come join us for this interesting\, informative conference.\nThe Fordham Institute for Women and Girls\, established in 2001\, works to promote gender equality by addressing all forms of discrimination against women and girls locally and globally. Institute members engage in interdisciplinary education\, research\, and practice activities that work to foster gender equality and expand our understanding of the problems facing girls and women\, such as poverty\, ageism\, sexism\, and racism. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR